FELIZ-18 Feliz Party Dress for your 18-inch Doll


FELIZ-18 Feliz Party Dress for your 18-inch Doll


FELIZ-18 is the party dress sewing pattern for your 18-inch doll. FELIZ-18 is constructed just the same as your big-girl FELIZ dress. FELIZ is a four-gore A-line dress with an apron over dress and is fitted with a sash encased between the two layers. One favorite version of FELIZ includes a cascade of ruffles down the back panel. This pattern will be provided to you in PDF format. It includes many photo illustrations and the pattern pieces.

All proceeds from the sale of FELIZ-18 will go to benefit the Malala Fund (www.malalafund.org) to support education and empowerment of girls.

The big-girl version of FELIZ is available in the book "Sewing Clothes Kids Love," Creative Publishing International, 2010. Available at your favorite bookstore.  

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